Back to school. It’s a phrase that strikes fear into the hearts of children and teachers while simultaneously giving parents a much-needed silver lining. 

After the Fourth of July decorations come down, they are rapidly replaced with spiral-bound notebooks and rows of multi-colored folders. However, just because your child has his or her backpack packed full of the latest boxes of crayons, doesn’t mean they are totally prepared for their classes. 

At Linked, we’re all about providing relevant, helpful information we know you need, which is why we’ve gone to an expert—a local teacher—to provide us with some quick and dirty tips for back to school success. Mrs. Jones, a teacher at Oakdale, had a couple of no-fail tips for us. 

1. Participate. Some kids get anxious about the first day(s) of school. To ease anxiety, do all the back to school activities your school offers (Meet the Teacher, Open House, Supply Drop-Off, etc.).  These will help your child feel more comfortable with the new environment.

2. Communicate. Speak with your child’s teacher if you feel like there are any concerns or issues your child may be facing. Keeping the teacher in the loop can make a huge differenceand he/she will do all they can to make sure your child has a great year!