Linked sits down with CNP District Nurses to talk about a unique need they’re trying to meet.

When it comes to protecting school children, the responsibilities are endless. There are drills, safety precautions and safe places just in case tragedy strikes. These preparations are essential to a school’s proper function. Choctaw Nicoma Park District Nurses, Jamie Ersteniuk and Kathy Robertson are teaming up to ensure one more essential need is met—they’re working to provide new defibrillators for the school district. 

“These are life saving devices that can help resuscitate any small child, student or any other potential victim visiting any one of our schools that has a sudden cardiac arrest,” said Ersteniuk.

We had the opportunity to delve more into how local parents and schools can get involved with this worthy cause.  

Q: Why do the schools need defibrillators? How great is the need?

A: There are currently 13 defibrillators within the school district.  As of December 2015 all of these defibrillators are no longer being serviced through the manufacturer.  As a result, if one has a battery die or if there is a malfunction with the unit there is no one to repair or replace it.  Due to the recent budget cuts with all schools, it puts a financial strain on budgets that might have been previously available to help fund much needed items for our district, such as these defibrillators.  One school has received a grant to purchase a new unit which does help offset the costs but there are still 12 more defibrillators needed district-wide.  

Q: Have there been any cases where a defibrillator was needed but not available? 

A: [W]e have thankfully never had to actually use a defibrillator, but they have been pulled out of the case several times in case it was warranted.  

Q: How are you fundraising?

A: We are hesitant to do a fundraiser for this because we feel like the parents are already faced with so many fundraisers as it is.  However, we are exploring other options such as a GoFundMe account to help in this endeavor. 

Q: How can people help? 

A: The list of needs for our teachers and schools continues to grow but [this is] one specific need the nurses in the Choctaw Nicoma Park school district are concerned with […]. If anyone is interested in donating to this cause or any other need for our schools please contact the CNP School Board at (405) 769-4859.