The Choctaw Nicoma Park Public Schools Foundation was created in 1992 with the hopes of strengthening and providing more educational opportunities to students.
Every year, the Choctaw Nicoma Park Public Schools Foundation gives each of the ten schools operating in the area $1,000. They also provide grant money (up to $750) for the local schools. Teachers from each school may submit an application for a grant request, and the education foundation’s board picks a winner (or winners) to be a recipient(s).
Christina Barnes with the Choctaw Nicoma Park Public Schools Foundation gave us a little info on why the project was so important to her: “I am a former Special Ed school teacher of 19 years,” she commented. “And happen to be a lucky recipient of one of the grants from the education foundation, so this is near and dear to my heart.”
Barnes was very excited that she was able to work on the other side of things now.
“The more money we can raise, the more we can give to our teachers, and that’s what it’s all about,” she said.
An Outward Vision
In contemporary culture, $1,000 just does not seem like that much money—even in light of recent budget cuts. As school budgets go down and enrollment goes up, it is hard for schools to function at the same capacity as previous years. Because of this, the educational foundations are crucial to a school’s success and survival. In past years, the Choctaw Nicoma Park Public Schools Foundation has hosted a golf tournament, carnival and its annual membership drive.
This year, in an effort to raise even more money, they embarked on a journey they call the “50-50 Campaign”.
The idea of the 50-50 Campaign is that all graduating classes spanning back 50 years will raise at least $1,000 each—for a minimum total of $50,000. The best part is, they have three donors who have agreed to match the amount that is raised.
50-50 Campaign
The 50-50 Campaign will help the Choctaw Nicoma Park Public Schools Foundation make a step towards an even bigger financial goal—a $500,000 endowment estimated to happen in the year 2020. The endowment will allow the Choctaw Nicoma Park Public Schools Foundation to become self-sustaining by living off the interest every year. This will ultimately help the schools they support to an even greater extent.
“In order to give these kids the best chance to succeed, we have to equip them with the proper technology and skill sets that they’ll be using once they leave the walls of this school, so they can go and compete in a global community,” Principal of Choctaw High School, David Reid said.
Another goal of the 50-50 Campaign is achieving inter-generational connections. Whether individuals graduated in 1964 or 2004, they can all come together to support the school that sustained them.
“Choctaw, over the years, has revolved around the school, because it was the biggest thing in town,” said Ken Brewer, class of 1971.
“Once you’re an alumni you’re an alumni from here,” said Robert Snyder, former Choctaw High School Resource Officer and class of 1988 graduate. “When I spoke to the kids up here and worked up here, I was here to help them. They would always say, ‘well, this is my school,’ and I would say, ‘yes, well it was my school a long time ago, too.’”
Snyder is proud to help the school, saying that in some way shape or form, graduates always come back to help the school.
As of May 18, 2016, the foundation had collected $8,351, and while they technically have a closing date for the fundraiser, the foundation will always accept grants.
“Giving more funds to teachers so they can do more to help our children learn and grow is the whole point [. . . ] it’s a cycle of happiness,” said Barnes.
“As a teacher sometimes you may feel defeated in things you need and want for your classroom—we’re always spending our own money,” explained Lori Sosenko, sixth grade teacher at Nicoma Park Middle School and two-time education foundation grant recipient. “But to know that there is someone out there that will help you is a wonderful feeling.”
Looking Ahead
Paying-it-forward, giving back and fostering growth helps bring everybody closer. These grants do not just go to unnecessary wants, but instead, they sustain real, tangible needs. Donating is not just an annoying thing all alumni are asked to do—it’s seen as taking care of your own and providing the best education opportunities possible for the future of your community.
The Choctaw Nicoma Park Public Schools Foundation invites all residents to participate in their fundraising events. Be on the lookout for information about the Choctaw Nicoma Parker Public Schools Foundation crawfish broil on October 1 in Choctaw Park.
Each class has been split up into a group to keep track of which classes have given what. The foundation encourages all participants to be as creative with your class’s donation team as possible; donations are not limited to alumni only. All gifts are tax deductible and guaranteed to make a student’s life better.
Are you a Choctaw/Nicoma Park school alumni? For more information and to donate, head over to