When it comes to fighting for her health, her family and her future, Choctaw local, Melissa Lane, has it covered.
A business owner in Choctaw, Lane began her battle with Multiple Sclerosis—a debilitating disease of the central nervous system—several years ago, but a recent increase in symptoms has caused her and her family to reach out.
The wife, mother of four and fitness enthusiast began showing evident signs of the disease’s progression in the last six months and decided to ask for medical bill assistance over the internet through YouCaring.com. Specifically Melissa applied and her application was accepted for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant-HSCT for MS. According to YouCaring.com:
“This treatment will be life changing for her and her family, as it will hopefully restore her body, allowing her to continue her active lifestyle. This is a $56,000 treatment and will need to be 100 percent personally funded.”
“It’s unfortunate that we had to raise funds, but friends and family and people that don’t even know me have donated,” said Lane. “We are very appreciative of those that have donated.”
Lane noted that with her MS, insurance won’t cover the treatment she needs, a treatment that could help her immensely. At the time of print, Lane had set the fund goal at $10,000 and had raised $2,290. The outpouring of love and support from both community members and complete strangers has inspired Lane.
“I’m so thankful for the support I’m receiving.” she said.
If you’re interested in donating to Lane’s YouCaring page, visit YouCaring.com and search for Melissa Lane’s Fight Against MS.