Oklahoma just keeps building momentum.

The Boathouse District witnessed the opening of RIVERSPORT Rapids on May 7 and 8, another cog in the machine that keeps turning out new growth for a city on the move. 

RIVERSPORT Rapids is Oklahoma City’s new $45.2 million whitewater rafting and kayaking center, which will offer recreational rafting to the public at a variety of skill levels, as well as rafting and kayaking lessons, leagues, camps and adventure activities. The recreational channel will open whitewater rafting to a wider public. The channel can be adjusted to accommodate various levels of experience and the trained guides offer expert briefings on safety and technique while also steering each trip down the river. 

The Rapids, which hosted the Olympic trials for Canoe/Kayak Slalom on opening weekend, are the center of a series of attractions along the river. The area will also boast a series of RIVERSPORT Adventure activities, including three high-speed slides, the SandRidge Sky Trail, which offers a zip line across the river, the Rumble Drop free fall and a ropes course. Other attractions include stand up paddle boarding, climbing walls, cycling and a youth zone, which offers smaller versions of attractions and other entertainment for kids. 

RIVERSPORT Rapids passes are accessible online at riversportokc.org and at the venue itself. Some pass options include RIVERSPORT Adventure activities.  Seasonal passes are also available.

Further development along the Oklahoma River is planned, beginning with the opening of the Wheeler District Ferris wheel, which formerly rested on the Santa Monica Pier, along with a food truck plaza and public art celebrating the city. The Wheeler District will continue to add venues and attractions, further feeding momentum along the Oklahoma River.