Editor's Note: As a woman, born and raised in Oklahoma, I delight in the opportunity to share the stories of successful women throughout the community. This story in particular, however, is one that is close to my heart. This woman has made exponential impact and inspiration in my life and taught me so much more than I ever thought possible. It is an honor to write even a piece of her story, and I’m thrilled to have the privilege of doing so.
Dr. Sims poses with students Sarah Neese (left) and Atoya Sims (right) on a trip to Capetown, South Africa. Photo provided.
The term "working mother," even in the current era, often carries a less-than-stellar connotation. With more and more women taking on multiple roles in the workplace and in their personal lives, the national conversation about work-life balance has mushroomed. However, on a local level, sometimes the reality of fulfilling simultaneous roles as a mother and a working professional is overlooked.
Jeanetta Sims, Ph.D., is no stranger to juggling a hectic schedule. From an outside perspective, Sims might appear to be a quintessential working mother, but with a closer look, it's apparent that she represents much more. On a personal level, Sims is a loving wife, mother and friend. She has mothered four children and continuously manages school, sports and church schedules.
As a professional, Sims is a tenured associate professor at the University of Central Oklahoma. In addition to teaching classes at the undergraduate and graduate levels, Sims advises a group of doctoral students and mentors several research assistants each semester. While helping to teach and develop these students, Sims is also a published author in several academic journals and presents at numerous conferences throughout the year at local, state, national, and international levels.
The list goes on, so how does she do it?
"I strive to be organized, and I like to plan," Sims said. "But there is a nimbleness and a flexibility that has to accompany my life and I believe the lives of mothers today, because we are often givers of our time, our talents and our resources to others, in addition to pursuing our passions."
Although Sims has a great deal of success across all areas of her life, she still faces frequent challenges and obstacles on a day-to-day basis.
"Students get exasperated or have meltdowns, colleagues get overcommitted or need help, family members want family reunion notices sent and kids get sick or have youth sports events – all on the same day, with and without warning, regardless of my plans or deadlines," Sims said. "Being overly critical of myself in terms of the work that has not gotten done or dismissing the inclination of 'punting' on your own aspirations to pursue the demands of others are constant challenges. These are particularly challenging, because both giving of self and being a self who lives out her ideals are important to me."
Despite these challenges, Sims maintains a positive outlook and reflects on the more rewarding aspects of her busy life.
"It has been a rewarding and beautiful life to live out biblical principles and to be surrounded by scholarly inquiry, a loving family, wonderful church family, engaged students, exceptional research assistants, giggling kids, sweet friends….I could go on and on," Sims said. "Surrounding yourself with a support system that encourages, rather than squelches, your accomplishments and strengths enables all of you to enjoy success. The support system only comes because you have made a conscious effort to invest in the lives of other people…to give a hug, share advice, offer a gift, be authentic, send a text, shut your mouth and listen, or just be physically present. And, it’s especially important to do this regardless of whether we believe others deserve it or not."
Sims extends this idea of support in the way of advice for professional mothers, working mothers, mothers with busy schedules, mothers with aspirations and anyone and everyone in between.
"The big advice is: stop seeking work-life balance, and start seeking a passionate life’s work," Sims said. "We will have to pursue and live out our values while being bold and fiercely active in making difficult choices with our time, our thoughts and our resources; this is quite different than balance. I believe work-life balance is a myth. It presumes you are capable of achieving an even stance across all roles you value simultaneously, and that’s just not possible!"
Sims continued, "Professional mothers and busy women will need to make tough choices about their values and prioritize this execution either on their own or in concert with those they love. And we should be, unashamedly, advocates and decisively clear about how our time is connected to and aligned with what we value... it’s okay for women to be present in their pursuit of one role at a time in alignment with their values. Instead of seeking balance, my advice is to passionately pursue a life where you are living out your values and your dreams and know that to do so requires you to sacrifice. I can’t tell other women what their values are or what is worth their sacrifice, or how they should invest in the lives of others.But I believe we should know and be able to articulate what our values are, and we should understand in advance that a commitment to our values will require our personal sacrifice."
The personal sacrifice she exhibits is clear in each facet of her life. Ask family or friends about the woman they lovingly refer to as "Jean" and they will paint a picture of a reliable, fun-loving mother who makes a mean pecan pie. Question her students and research assistants, and they will easily reflect on the countless lessons learned, memories made and truly life-changing moments experienced with each step of collaborating, working and walking with Sims as a mentor and teacher.
Sims is quite obviously molding the lives of the next generation, both through her children and through the countless students and young adults on which she has made an impression. With her hard work, sharp intelligence and loving kindness, Sims has undoubtedly changed the community for the better.