Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon Gears up for Another Run
Just over two decades ago, Oklahoma City began a race to remember, and it’s still running strong. In remembrance of the Oklahoma City bombing, Oklahomans ban together on a day and honor the lives lost and the brave individuals left behind. On April 24, 2016, the OKC metro will host the 21st annual Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon. This multi-faceted event boasts a variety of activities and ways to support and participate in the event. Here are some ways that you can get involved:
- Become a runner. In addition to the slew of races offered, participants who raise $10 or more to support the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum will receive special shoe laces to wear on the day of the race. Races you can sign up for include:
- Full Marathon (26.2 miles)
- Half Marathon (13.1 miles)
- Relay Marathon (26.2 miles, five runners)
- Memorial 5K (3.1 miles)
- Support a runner. There are a few ways to support the race and its runners. You can make a donation, promote the race on social media, track a runner on the OKC Marathon app or you can come out to the race and watch for yourself at one of the race’s venues, which are listed on the marathon’s website, okcmarathon.com.
- Volunteer at the race. If you’re over the age of 13, you can roll up your sleeves and help this year’s race by volunteering. Volunteers can help serve, fundraise and direct runners as course marshals. To sign up to volunteer, visit the volunteer page on the marathon’s website at okcmarathon.com/marathon.
- Attend the expo. The Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon Health & Fitness Expo will occur at the Cox Convention Center on April 22-23 during the weekend of the marathon. The expo (containing more than 60 exhibitors) is a two-day event showcase, open to the public, that features products and services with a focus on runners, walkers and health-conscious consumers. The event will also feature a symposium with speakers and is the location of runner packet pickup.
For more information about the race events or to sign up to run or volunteer, visit okcmarathon.com.