On Saturday, September 17th, Indian Meridian Elementary School received a new roof over the pre-school classrooms and the classrooms for children with special needs. The donation of labor and resources to the exterior of the school came from the teamwork and community involvement efforts of Land Enterprises and Malarkey Roofing Products. The estimated cost of the project itself was $6,000 -$10,000 between laborers and needed resources. The project took only the weekend to complete, just before the storms the following Sunday put the roof to the test.
Jason Jarrell has a daughter that completed pre-school at the Indian Meridian Elementary school last year. He noticed issues regarding the roof and wanted to do something to help, especially with the 60 million dollar Oklahoma Education budget cut for the 2017 fiscal year. Jarrell felt the best way to fix the issue would be to talk his buddy, Bryan Land of Land Enterprises, about a donation project for the school. Together, they contacted the school about the project donation and reached out to Malarkey Roofing for shingle resources to complete the job.
“I am thankful to Bryan and Malarkey for stepping up to the plate. It’s that ‘Oklahoma Strong’ efforts that make a community great,” said Jarrell.
Bryan Land is very grateful for the opportunity to provide a service for the Choctaw community. Land Enterprises strives each year to give back to the community in some way. They have worked with Habitat for Humanity, a program that provides adequate housing and disabled veteran programs to provide shelter for local veterans. They will be celebrating their 30th year as a business this month.
“We decided to give our time and efforts to [Indian Meridian Elementary] because of how the school has been hit hard with the recent budget cuts,” said Land.