The National Honor Society (NHS) is a unique, national organization that recognizes outstanding high school students and the group of almost 400 student members at Deer Creek High School (DCHS) are no exception.

These students accepted the challenge of quite rigid requirements—a weighted GPA of 3.85 or higher and enrollment in at least two advanced classes per year—while unselfishly serving others just to be a part of the society.

“This is a huge group of inspirational, compassionate, competitive kids who are always eager to serve others, fulfilling the National Honor Society standards of service, character, scholarship and leadership in their day-to-day lives,” said Deer Creek English teacher and NHS Chapter Coordinator Dionne Liebl. 

Last year, Liebl started encouraging NHS members to bring ideas to her so that, as a group, they could help students “grow their passions” by helping grass-root causes. So, this year, DCHS student Mollie Patrick did just that! She brought the idea of having a baby supply drive for the Infant Crisis Services, Inc., a non-profit organization that provides life sustaining formula, food and diapers to babies and toddlers in times of crisis. 

Several DCHS students have responded by bringing various items for the Infant Crisis Center including NHS member Hannah Mays and her mother. They asked their neighbor, a mother of triplets, to donate to the cause which resulted in a box full of gently used clothes, a box of bottles and many more items being donated.

The deadline for donations has been extended into late October so that NHS at DCHS can push the project through their new member meetings as well as their regular monthly meeting in hopes of obtaining as many donations as possible. The crisis center’s wish list includes items such as sippy cups, baby bottles, Good Start formula, pacifiers and youth toothbrushes and toothpaste, just to name a few. 

While size limits field trip type projects, NHS at DCHS have been able to help a number of organizations and they have no plans of stopping anytime soon! 

“Many times, coordinators from organizations that we have helped have written to me or stopped by to tell me that they simply would not have been able to accomplish their goals without our kids’ assistance,” said Liebl. 

To help Deer Creek National Honor Society’s project be a huge success, please drop off donations for Infant Crisis Services at Deer Creek High School.